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Coping with the Post-Holiday Blues

As the last traces of tinsel disappear and the holiday tunes fade into the background, many of us find ourselves grappling with the post-holiday blues. The transition from the festive season to the routine of everyday life can be challenging, but fear not! We’ll explore practical and uplifting ways for coping with the post-holiday blues and ensure that the spirit of joy continues to resonate in our hearts.

Coping with post holiday blues with stress relievers like candles and self care.Picture is of candles with mug and book.

Reflect on the Good Times

Take a moment to reflect on the joyous moments and cherished memories created during the holiday season. Whether it’s the laughter of loved ones, the warmth of holiday traditions, or the spirit of giving, recalling these experiences can uplift your spirits and remind you of the beauty in the season.

Man sitting on bench reflecting on holidays at sunset.

Express Gratitude

Embrace a mindset of gratitude by acknowledging the positive aspects of the holiday season. Express thanks for the time spent with family and friends, the delicious meals shared, and the thoughtful gifts received. Gratitude has the power to shift your focus from what’s ending to what you’ve gained.

White mug with words What good shall I do this day? To express being kind.

Get Back to Routine

While indulging during the holidays feels great at the time, all good things must come to an end. Ease back into your normal routine to promote a sense of stability. Meal prep healthy foods, create an exercise schedule you can stick to, set a calming nighttime routine. Write out monthly and weekly goals so each day has purpose. Even scheduling social activities on the calendar will help provide steadiness.

Plan Small Celebrations

 Look forward to smaller celebrations and gatherings post-Christmas. Plan a cozy movie night, a game evening with friends, or a simple dinner party. These gatherings can help extend the festive spirit and keep the connections alive. Share your feelings and experiences and be open to listening to theirs. Social connection is a powerful antidote to post-holiday melancholy.

Rest and Replenish

Chances are you have spent the last month running around shopping, attending holiday parties, baking, cleaning, entertaining family…you get the idea. Now is the time to rest and take a break. Don’t put pressure on yourself to take the tree down or clean the house right away. Engage in restorative self-care by catching up on sleep, reading books, trying easy new recipes that use pantry items, taking relaxing baths. Give yourself this slower time without feeling guilty.

Woman in cozy sweater with mug of coffee to show self care is a way of coping with post holiday blues.

Go ahead and wear comfy pajamas all day, splurge on that fancy bottle of wine you have been thinking about, order takeout from your favorite restaurant, binge watch an entertaining show. Spoil yourself as you recover from the holiday madness and establish a more balanced routine. You deserve it!

Set New Goals

 Channel the energy from the holiday season into setting new goals for the upcoming year. Whether they are personal, professional, or health-related, having a vision for the future can instill a sense of purpose and excitement.

It’s not only about letting go of the holidays but also giving yourself things to look forward to which make coping with the post-holiday blues easier. Brainstorm a list of things you would like to accomplish this year. Take up a new hobby that enriches your life. Plan some weekend trips you have been putting off. Commit to monthly game nights or brunch dates with friends. Having meaningful experiences spaced throughout the year sustains joy better than cramming it all into December. 

Perform Random Acts of Kindness 

One of the best ways to boost your mood is to do something kind for someone else with no expectation of anything in return. Shovel a neighbor’s driveway, donate gently used clothes you no longer wear to charity, surprise coworkers by bringing their favorite coffee order. Generosity has been proven to release endorphins and promote overall wellbeing.  

Sign with Be kind, be calm, be safe, spread joy to reflect random acts of kindness.

Embrace Hygge Principles

The Danish concept of hygge focuses on coziness and taking pleasure in the simple moments. Incorporating candles, fireplaces, big blankets, comforting food and drink, laughter and connection with loved ones into the long winter nights and weekends fuels contentment. Playing board games, baking homemade treats, movie marathons, and game nights capture the essence of hygge.  

Coping with post-holiday blues by practicing hygge - picture of Hygge book.

Focus on New Beginnings

 Shift your perspective from an ending to a new beginning. The post-Christmas period is a natural time for reflection and renewal. Embrace the opportunity for growth, learning, and creating new memories in the months ahead.

Watch for Signs of Depression

The post-holiday slump is expected but if symptoms persist or worsen, you may be experiencing seasonal affective disorder. The lack of sunlight in winter contributes to depression for some. Watch for excessive fatigue, difficulty concentrating, loss of interest in activities once enjoyed, feelings of hopelessness and suicidal thoughts. Seek professional care if needed as this is not something you just need to push through.

Coping Starts From Within

The end of the holidays can be a rocky transition but you have so much to look forward to in the coming year. Follow these tips for coping with the post-holiday blues to lift your spirits while developing sustainable practices that boost overall wellbeing. Cherish the memories, embrace new beginnings, seek meaningful connections and activities, practice self-care and express gratitude. Coping with the post holiday blues and thriving in the new year starts from within. You’ll discover that the spirit of the season can continue to shine brightly in your heart throughout the year. With a mindful and positive approach you can navigate the transition with grace and joy.

Man standing at sunset thinking of future.

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