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The Season of Giving

The holiday season is a magical time filled with joy, togetherness, and giving. It’s also a powerful opportunity to embrace the spirit of giving and make a difference for those in need. While gifts, food, and festivities capture our attention, taking time to give back has become a cherished holiday tradition. ‘Tis the season of giving and there are many ways for you  and your family to share generosity this Christmas and New Year.

Woman offering a wrapped gift

Giving Your Time and Talents 

One direct way to give back is by donating your time volunteering. Even a few hours volunteering with a charity spreads holiday hope. You can:

  • Serve meals at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen.
  • Help build homes with Habitat for Humanity. 
  • Work shifts at the food bank sorting donations.
  • Volunteer at the animal shelter walking dogs and socializing pets.
  • Help elderly neighbors with yard work or errands.
  • Send encouraging cards to veterans, hospital patients or nursing home residents.
  • Help charities wrap gifts behind-the-scenes for families in need.

The gift of your time, skills, and warm spirit can change lives. Seek out local volunteer opportunities that align with your interests and abilities. Many charities need extra helpers during the busy holiday season.

White Dog with black spots on fact wearing reindeer ears to represent giving time to animal shelter.

Donate Food and Goods

Food banks and shelters often struggle to meet heightened demand during the holidays as poverty and hunger spike. Gather non-perishable food items or put together care packages with gloves, toiletries, blankets and other necessities to support your community. Some ideas include:

  • Boxing up ingredients and baking kits for holiday meals.
  • Collecting new toys for toy drives.
  • Gathering canned foods, grains, cereal, pasta at food drives.
  • Putting together personal care packs with soap, deodorant, etc.
  • Donating gently used clothing like coats and hats.

Even small material donations add up and send a message of caring to those facing economic hardships.

Woman at end of truck giving child donated goods

Give Monetary Donations

Money allows charities to fund programs and directly purchase items most needed. If you can, consider:

  • Making a one-time end-of-year donation to your favorite causes.
  • Setting up a recurring monthly donation amount as your holiday gift. 
  • Checking if your company matches charitable contributions.
  • Donating in a loved one’s honor as a gift.
  • Researching non-profits addressing needs you care about.

Even small donations make a tangible impact. And with many causes, you can donate conveniently online.

Hand holding small wrapped box to represent giving donations

Sponsor a Family for the Holidays

Many charities and churches maintain lists of local disadvantaged families that you can sponsor for Christmas. You’re matched with a family based on number and ages of children. Often, recommended gift ideas are provided. You then shop for food, clothes, toys, and other items to deliver to the family for Christmas.

Sponsoring a specific household helps ensure they can celebrate Christmas when they otherwise may not have the means. Your thoughtfulness helps create holiday memories they’ll cherish.

Buy From Charities and Social Enterprises

You can also give back through your everyday purchases by seeking out companies that donate a portion of proceeds to charity or employ those in need. For holiday shopping, look for: 

  • Non-profit fair trade cooperatives helping artisans in developing communities.
  • Companies that hire refugees, homeless, and people with disabilities.  
  • Organizations that donate a share of profits to a cause you believe in.
  • Social enterprises focused on ethics and social impact alongside profit.

Volunteer as a Family 

Making volunteering a family activity teaches children the value of selfless giving. Have kids help select a cause they connect with. As they participate, they’ll gain perspective about those less fortunate. They learn lessons from:

  • Taking leadership organizing drives and campaigns.
  • Pooling allowance money to hit donation goals.
  • Writing thoughtful holiday cards with encouraging messages.
  • Preparing care packages and meals with their own hands. 
Homemade Christmas cards with berries and ink on table.

Nurture generosity and gratitude in kids by making giving back a yearly tradition they look forward to, not just during the holidays but all year round.

The holiday season offers a profound opportunity to make an impact through service, donations, and compassion. However you choose to embrace the spirit of giving, your generosity helps spread light during a season meant to be shared with others.

White mug with words Merry Christmas in red sitting on a table infrom of lights.

One Comment

  1. Thank you so much for this article. It is such an important reminder and motivation. I especially love the idea of hosting a family.

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